Our Services
Intellectual Property.
Ideas, whether tangible or not, are the most important thing to protect. With so many channels and constantly replenishing feeds to watch, tracing ownership and originality of design, brand name or invention needs a specialist lawyer. We handle the search, application and filing process for trademarks. If your mark is being infringed, we negotiate settlement or licensing to protect your value.
We have extensive experience across a wide range of regulatory areas. Clients trust us when they are faced with significant regulatory investigations or government commissions of enquiry. When faced with regulatory pressures we help to ease the load to ensure business can continue, often from a better position.
Business Strategy.
We help clients deliver on their business strategy by ensuring that risks are properly accounted for and addressed. We have extensive experience as in-house counsel for clients and appreciate that good legal advice is not always aligned with good commercial outcomes.
No one said business was meant to be easy. With ever increasing regulation and the rise of e-commerce there are both challenges and opportunities. We help you resolve those challenges and make the most of the opportunities.
We offer experience across all areas of corporate law, including governance, insolvency and fundraising. These areas can be minefields so we work with our clients to ensure we deliver the best results.
Dispute Resolution.
At some stage, you are probably going to end up in a dispute. Whether a competitor infringes your IP or you encounter issues with a supplier. It can be expensive. We always seek to resolve litigation early so you can focus on business, not disputes.